Facebook: how to stop receiving updates on your wall, without breaking the friendship

face-likeFacebook: how to stop receiving updates on your wall, without breaking the friendship - Perhaps not everyone knows this function, but you can stop receiving updates from friends and relatives on Facebook, without the person knowing. Currently, I have seen many people complaining about other people's posts on Facebook and I think every one should post what you will, but ..... stop following a friend or relative can be a little embarrassing, leading to family conflicts. 

If you want to get rid of the publications of someone without having to stop following that person - what is called in Facebook "undo friendship" just knowing configure what should appear on your wall, in "news feeds." 
Guinea pig, I'll get the profile of our former columnist, Luan Felipe: 


In the new timeline, clicking the "friends" appear several options. If you do not want to receive more NO-related update boring friend, simply uncheck the "show in the news feed." 
If you want to select the updates that will appear on your wall, click on "settings" and choose from the options available: 

As you can see, I subscribe to the posts straight Luan Smiley flashing
Another way to limit the publications of several people at the same time, putting them in the "known".In this case, we receive the updates, but with little frequency. Go to "start page" in the left column and click on "Friends" (until the other day it was called "list", but Mark Zuckerberg loves change ...). Click on 'known' 

On the right side, you will see the option to add everyone you want 

My "known" will stay a secret hehehe. And yet the facebook suggests who can put on that list. Get to work! Cheerful


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