Owner Comments Display Different (New Template)

Views Comment Owner or blog owner has a different trinkets popular blog because with this trick the reader comments can distinguish the author with the user in a comment article.
Previous I've been talking about how to make the owner of the blog comment box is different to the user, but the development of blogger also makes the tutorial can not be used on the new template, as the template of the new code themselves different from the old one. And I had also written about how to change the old into the new comments , and on this occasion I will try to write a tutorial on how to make the box look different blog owner's comments in the new template. Yuk directly to tutorial

  1. Log on menu Design -> Edit HTML and check " Expand Widget Templates "
  2. Put the CSS code below the above code ]]> </ b: skin> 

    . comment-body-author {
    background: # FFFF29; / * Background color * /
    border: 1px dotted # FF2929; / * Border * /
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0 0 0 20px;

  3. Then find the code that is black then paste the code in red , as shown below.

    <dt expr:class='"comment-author "+ data:comment.authorClass' expr:id='data:comment.anchorName'>
    <b:if cond='data:comment.favicon'>
    <img expr : src = 'data: comment.favicon' height = '16px 'style =' margin-bottom:-2px; 'width = '16px' />
    </ b: if>
    <a expr: name = 'data: how. anchorname '/>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.enabledCommentProfileImages'>
    </ b: if>
    <b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
    <a expr: href = 'data: comment.authorUrl' cond = 'data: comment.AUTHOR == data: post.author'> <dd class='comment-body-author'> <p> <data:comment.body/> </ p> </ dd> <b : else /> <dd expr:class='"comment-body "+ + data:comment.commentAuthorClass' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId data:comment.cmtBodyIdPostfix'><b: if cond = ' data: comment.isDeleted '> <span class='deleted-comment'> <data:comment.body/> </ span> <b:else/> <p><data:comment.body/> <span class = interaction iframe-guide '/> </ p> </ b: if> </ dd> </ b: if> <dd class='comment-footer'>

    Notice truly penempatanya
  4. SAVE and see the results.

Okkeylah so first. may be useful for you and do not be shy to ask if there is trouble because I will try to help you.


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